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Isildur, a novel (in Fanfiction)

…father was Elendil, the Prince of Andúnië and the spiritual and political leader of the Party of the Faithful. In 3285, Elendil married Aldamirë, a woman of southern Númenor, and…

Chapter 5: The Road South: Attack! (in Fanfiction)

CHAPTER: 5. THE ROAD SOUTH: ATTACK! As they were riding slowly south on the Greenway Eldacar moved his horse to AiyaÂ’s side. “You met a Ranger at the Inn at…

Middle Earth Adventures (in Subject Articles)

…big as your head for NZ$2.50 (although most people opt for something slightly smaller)! SOUTH ISLAND NORTHERN REGIONS There are several more remote locations in the north of the South

Not through lack of watchfulness (in Fanfiction)

…that assailed their spirits, like a breath of poison in the air, growing more and more palpable the further they ventured south. They had entered the southernmost part of what…

Chapter 13. The Nazgul and the Southron (in Fanfiction)

…He added sardonically, “As a matter of fact, I came from Far Harad.” At that, the Southron’s eyes bulged and he sputtered angrily. “Are you mocking me, straw-head? You think…

The Two Towers Extended Edition (in Subject Articles)

…mouth shut! (Uruk turns away from the Hobbits) Pippin: Merry? Merry: (conscious again) Hello Pip. Pippin: You’re hurt? Merry: I’m fine. It was just an act. Pippin: (surprised) An act?

Nov. 7th update; Meet the Dwarves, and a Problem with Opening Night Tickets (in Posts)

…stood in line for hours to buy tickets for the Movie’s New Zealand Premiere, only to find out that all of the tickets had been secretly sold weeks ago? To…

The trip to southern Africa. (2) (in Fanfiction)

…to Cape Town, South Africa. With Aragorn and Arwen being in charge of the trip, they got to book the aeroplane tickets. The groups were as followed: Group 1-Aragorn, Arwen…

A Hunt In The Woods (in Fanfiction)

…came in contact with his drenched state. To distract himself he wondered how he’d landed up outside so late into the night. ————————— “What?” Elrohir demanded coming to stand by…

The Fellowship of the Ring Extended Edition (in Subject Articles)

…thin. Sort of stretched like butter scraped over too much bread. I need a holiday. A very long holiday. And I don’t expect I shall return. In fact, I mean…